Webinaire : Pandemic Borders: COVID and Solidarity

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The panel of experts explore the positive effects of the pandemic, asking: “How might border closures make us rethink membership, belonging, and solidarity?” and “Can the pandemic give rise to more rather than less transnational solidarity?”

Webinaire : Immigration et solidarité au temps de la COVID-19

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Qu’en est-il alors que la COVID-19 transforme la mobilité internationale et génère de nouvelles vulnérabilités? Est-il possible d’imaginer de nouvelles formes de solidarité – transnationale mais aussi locale  –  et plus d’inclusion dans ce contexte ?

Webinaire : The Double Bind of Refugees in Lebanon

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Join our online panel discussion to talk about political developments in Lebanon over the last year, the recent explosion in Beirut, and the implications for the Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Webinaire : Canadian Law and Refugee Rights

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Three McGill PhD students from different disciplines will share their research on interactions between refugees and the Canadian government as they seek entry, permission to remain, or are removed from Canada.

Webinaire : Refugee Protection and Empowerment: Updates from Around the Globe

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As new refugee situations have emerged in recent years and other protracted refugee situations continue, how do individuals and organizations respond? Three McGill University PhD students from different disciplines will share their current or planned research on three refugee situations around the globe.

Webinaire : La mise en œuvre des politiques migratoires

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Avec comme point d’ancrage un nouveau numéro spécial de la revue Lien Social et Politiques intitulé « Redessiner les contours de l’État : la mise en œuvre des politiques migratoires », les intervenants vont explorer les rôles changeants des acteurs associatifs, les contraintes de l’action publique contemporaine et les dynamiques transversales rencontrées dans le cadre de la prestation de services aux immigrants.