Workshop: Quantitative research on international migration: current developments and data sources, led by Thomas Soehl & Ian Van Haren

McLennan-Redpath Library Complex (McGill University), Research Commons Room A 3459 McTavish Street, Montréal, QC

This workshop will provide an overview to new and established sources of data to study international migration and migrants. We will cover recent developments in the use of linked administrative data, surveys, digital […]

Webinaire : Pandemic Borders: COVID and Solidarity

En ligne (inscription obligatoire)

The panel of experts explore the positive effects of the pandemic, asking: “How might border closures make us rethink membership, belonging, and solidarity?” and “Can the pandemic give rise to more rather than less transnational solidarity?”

Webinaire : Immigration et solidarité au temps de la COVID-19

En ligne (inscription obligatoire)

Qu’en est-il alors que la COVID-19 transforme la mobilité internationale et génère de nouvelles vulnérabilités? Est-il possible d’imaginer de nouvelles formes de solidarité – transnationale mais aussi locale  –  et plus d’inclusion dans ce contexte ?