Following the recent publication of a special issue in Regional Studies (2020, Vol 54, No 11) studying immigrant integration policies at the subnational level, this webinar will discuss the drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration beyond the cases studied in the SI. While the SI has offered inspiring results regarding subnational integration policies in Europe and North America, the aim of this webinar is to adopt a more global outlook by discussing immigrant integration policies ‘worldwide’, i.e. with insights from other geographical areas (Africa, Asia, Latin America).
To discuss the drivers and effects of immigrant integration in less studied countries or regional areas, the webinar will feature experts from different geographical areas:
- [Europe and North America] Verena WISTHALER (EURAC research), Anita MANATSCHAL (University of Neuchâtel) & Christina ZUBER (Konstanz University), as editors of the special issue, will introduce the webinar and present the main results of the cases studied in Europe (Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland) and North America (Canada, the United States).
- [Asia] Giacomo SOLANO (Migration Policy Group) & Varun AGGARWAL (India Migation Now) will share insights on India and their initiative to create indicators to understand the role of state-level policies for the integration of interstate migrants in a developing country.
- [Africa] Mulugeta DINBABO (University of Western Cape) will present some of the challenges of subnational immigrant integration in Africa, in relationship with social welfare policies in African states.
- [Latin America] Luicy PEDROZA (The College of Mexico | Colmex) will discuss provincial and local models of integation in some Latin American countries, among others Mexico and Costa Rica.
- [Beyond the usual suspects?]: Isabelle CÔTÉ (Memorial University of Newfoundland) will offer round up remarks after other speakers’ presentations to conclude and to propose avenues of research to better study subnational migration policies beyond Europe and North America.
The webinar will be chaired and moderated by Catherine XHARDEZ (BIRMM & Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel).
The webinar is a joint cooperation of: Eurac Research (IT); BIRMM & IES Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE); nccr-on the move University of Neuchâtel (CH); Cluster of Excellence ‘The Politics of Inequality’, University of Konstanz (GER); CEPI/CSPI Concordia University (CA).